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BPO Forms Merging with AMN Forms

This announcement is important for all BPO Forms customers.
AMN Forms customers are unaffected.

For many years we have run two separate software platforms; AMN Forms and BPO Forms. Whilst AMN Forms specialized in Fannie Mae forms, BPO Forms was designed to provide forms for multiple providers.

The majority of our customers are on  AMN Forms, and in recent months this is where we have concentrated our development resources, bringing out new features like comparable auto-fill, templates, bulk photo upload, and support for larger computer displays. 

To enable our BPO Forms customers all of the benefits that are available on AMN Forms, we have decided to merge the two platforms. AMN Forms customers are unaffected by this, however, for BPO Forms customers there a number of changes.

From September 8th 2017 all BPO Forms customers will need to use AMN Forms to create new properties. If existing customers login to  they are able to view their existing properties and forms, and are able to add new forms to existing properties. However, they are not able to create a new property. To create a new property customers will need to login to

All of the forms that you used on BPO Forms have been added to AMN Forms, and there are no major differences in how the software works. 

We understand that for a period of time you may need to continue to use BPO Forms to finish the sales process of your old properties. To make moving between AMN Forms and BPO Forms easier, we have added links to both sites, that when clicked will automatically log you into the other site. 

From BPO Forms users will see a banner at the top of the page with a link to log into AMN Forms:

When on AMN Forms, there is a link to view archived properties on BPO Forms:

Despite moving our BPO Forms customers to AMN Forms you billing is unaffected. We will continue to honour your previous price plan, and your payments will continue to be taken from the credit card that we have on record.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate the open a ticket and contact our support team.

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