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Bulk photo uploader

The AMN Forms bulk photo uploader is designed to make it as easier to add photos to a form. With the new uploader you're able to easily upload multiple images without having to manually resize them.

Enable the bulk photo uploader

The bulk photo uploader is disabled by default, to use it you need to enable it.

Go to your My Profile page

Choose the Update Profile button

From the bulk photo uploader section choose yes to enable the uploader, then click Save Profile.

Using the uploader

The bulk photo uploader is now available on any form which allows you to submit photos (for example a BPO). When you're on the photos tab of an appropriate form, you will now see a new panel on the right hand side.

If you select Browse you are then able to find your photos on your computer. Any JPG or PNG files can be selected. You can choose multiple files by holding the shift key down on your keyboard, whilst you click.

After you've selected your photos, these will automatically be resized and uploaded to AMN Forms. Depending on the speed of your internet this could take some time. A progress bar is displayed. Once your photos have been uploaded they will appear in the panel on the right hand side.

You are then able to drag the photos to your chosen location on the form. When the form location is highlighted yellow, you're able to let go of your mouse button and drop the photo onto that field.

After you've add photos to the form you're able to add a caption underneath them. You can swap photos by dragging one photo on top of another.

There is no need to save, once you've added photos to the form they will be automatically be saved.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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