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Auto-Fill Comparables

It is now possible to auto-fill data for BPO comparables. This feature will save you valuable time when you are keying in your comparable data.

By entering the street address and ZIP code, AMN Forms will attempt to autofill the full address and many of the property's details; including the Sale Price, Gross Living Area, Year Built, Number of Rooms. 

This feature is currently still in BETA, this means that we are still actively improving the feature. 

How to enable Auto-Fill on your account

To enable Auto-Fill on your AMN Forms account, go to your Property List and select the My Profile link in the top right hand corner.

You should then select the Update Profile button.

You will now see an option to enable Property Auto-Fill. Select Yes, then choose Save Profile at the bottom of the page.

Auto-Fill is now enabled on your account and ready to use.

How to use Auto-Fill

To use Auto-Fill create a BPO form as normal. When you are on either the Closed Sales or Listings tabs you will see the new Auto Fill button at the top of each comparable column.

All you need to do is enter the street address and the zip code for your comparable, and select Auto Fill.

AMN Forms will automatically try to populate as much data for that comparable as possible, including the full address and property details. 

When data has been successfully entered the new data is highlighted in green. 

Please note, if you already have entered data for a comparable, clicking the Auto Fill button will overwrite what you have already entered.

BETA feature

AMN Forms auto-fills data by using a range of public data sources. For some properties not all data fields will be completed. As we continue to develop this feature more fields will be auto-completed. It is important that you verify that any data auto-filled is correct, as AMN Forms cannot be held liable for the accuracy of any data entered.

Auto-Fill is a BETA feature, which means we would value your feedback on how it is working, and how it could be improved.

Please contact the Support Team if you have any feedback!

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